Yamaha Tracer MT09TRA - Service manual > Engine oil lubrication chart
Specifications / Lubrication system chart and diagrams / Engine oil lubrication chart
- Oil strainer
- Oil pump
- Relief valve
- Oil cooler
- Oil filter cartridge
- Main gallery
- Drive axle
- Main axle
- Shift fork (upper)
- Mission shower
- Crankshaft
- AC magneto
- Oil nozzle
- Balancer shaft
- Timing chain tensioner
- Intake camshaft
- Exhaust camshaft
Lubrication diagrams
- Oil level switch
- Oil filter cartridge union bolt
- Oil filter cartridge
- Crankshaft
- Timing chain tensioner
- Intake camshaft
- Exhaust camshaft
- Balancer shaft
- Crankshaft
- Oil cooler
- Oil strainer
- Oil drain bolt
- Oil pump driven sprocket
A. MT09TRA for Europe: RN29F0011886 and after MT09TRAG for Oceania: RN29K 0000556 and after
- Oil cooler
- Oil filter cartridge
- Oil level switch
- Oil strainer
- Oil pump
- Main gallery bolt
- Balancer shaft
- Crankshaft
- Main axle
- Shift fork guide bar (shift fork-C side)
- Drive axle
- Sub gallery bolt
- Shift fork
- Cylinder head
- Exhaust camshaft
- Intake camshaft
- Oil passage to the timing chain tensioner
- Oil passage to the cylinder head
- Oil passage to the clutch chamber
- Oil return passage from the cylinder head
- Crankshaft
- Main gallery
See also:
Yamaha Tracer MT09TRA - Service manual > Cooling system diagrams
Water pump Thermostat Radiator Water jacket Thermostat Radiator Water pump Oil cooler Coolant reservoir