Honda CBR125RW - Service manual > Hydraulic Brake
Frequent inhalation of brake pad dust, regardless of material composition, could be hazardous to your health.
- Avoid breathing dust particles.
- Never use an air hose or brush to clean brake assemblies. Use an OSHA-approved vacuum cleaner.
Spilling brake fluid will severely damage instrument lenses and painted surface. It is also harmful to some rubber parts. Be careful whenever you remove the reservoir cap; make sure the front reservoir is horizontal first.
- A contaminated brake disc or pad reduces stopping power. Discard contaminated pads and clean a contaminated disc with a high quality brake degreasing agent.
- Check the brake system by applying the brake lever or pedal after the air bleeding.
- Never allow contaminates (dirt, water, etc.) to get into an open reservoir.
- Once the hydraulic system has been opened, or if the brake feels spongy, the system must be bled.
- Always use fresh DOT 3 or DOT 4 brake fluid from a sealed container when servicing the system. Do not mix different types of fluid, they may not be compatible.
- Always check brake operation before riding the motorcycle
Brake caliper bleed valve 5.4 N-m (0.6 kgf-m, 4.0 lbf-ft)
Reservoir cover screw 1.5 N-m (0.2 kgf-m, 1.1 lbf-ft)
Front brake caliper mounting bolt 30 N-m (3.1 kgf-m, 22 lbf-ft) ALOC:
replace with a new one.
Front brake light switch screw 1.2 N-m (0.1 kgf-m, 0.9 lbf-ft)
Brake lever pivot bolt 1.0 N-m (0.1 kgf-m, 0.7 lbf-ft)
Brake lever pivot nut 5.9 N-m (0.6 kgf-m, 4.4 lbf-ft)
Brake hose oil bolt 34 N-m (3.5 kgf-m, 25 lbf-ft)
Brake pad hanger pin 17 N-m (1.7 kgf-m, 13 lbf-ft)
Rear master cylinder push rod lock nut 17 N-m (1.7 kgf-m, 13 lbf-ft)
Rear master cylinder hose joint screw 1.5 N-m (0.2 kgf-m, 1.1 lbf-ft)
Apply locking agent to the threads.
Step holder mounting bolt 27 N-m (2.8 kgf-m, 20 lbf-ft)
Step bar mounting bolt 10 N-m (1.0 kgf-m, 7 lbf-ft)
Brake caliper pin bolt 17 N-m (1.7 kgf-m, 13 lbf-ft)
Brake caliper torque nut 22 N-m (2.2 kgf-m, 16 lbf-ft) Apply locking
agent to the threads.
Brake lever/pedal soft or spongy
- Air in hydraulic system
- Leaking hydraulic system
- Contaminated brake pad/disc
- Worn caliper piston seal
- Worn master cylinder piston cups
- Worn brake pad/disc
- Contaminated caliper
- Contaminated master cylinder
- Caliper not sliding properly
- Low brake fluid level
- Clogged fluid passage
- Warped/deformed brake disc
- Sticking/worn caliper piston
- Sticking/worn master cylinder piston
- Bent brake lever/pedal
Brake lever/pedal hard
- Clogged/restricted hydraulic system
- Sticking/worn caliper piston
- Caliper not sliding properly
- Worn caliper piston seal
- Sticking/worn master cylinder piston
- Bent brake lever/pedal
Brake drags
- Contaminated brake pad/disc
- Misaligned wheel
- Badly worn brake pad/disc
- Warped/deformed brake disc
- Caliper not sliding properly
- Clogged/restricted hydraulic system
- Sticking/worn caliper piston
- Clogged master cylinder port
- Sticking master cylinder piston
See also:
Honda CBR125RW - Service manual > Rear Wheel/Suspension
Honda CBR125RW - Service manual > Brake Fluid Replacement/ Air Bleeding
BRAKE FLUID DRAINING FRONT BRAKE: Turn the handlebar until the reservoir is parallel to the ground. Remove the reservoir cover screws, reservoir cover, set plate and diaphragm.